HERZOG Nonferrous
Nonferrous metals include aluminum, copper, magnesium, lead, nickel, tin, titanium, zinc, and their alloys. Each of the nonferrous metals has specific and unique advantages like, e.g., electrical conductivity (copper), low weight (aluminum) and corrosive resistance (zinc). Therefore, they are constituent part of many products in the automotive, aerospace, mechanical engineering and construction sector. Furthermore, many nonferrous metals belong to the group of materials that do not degrade and lose their properties in the recycling process. They are integral element of modern recycling processes, which are characterized by high energy and resource efficiency.
Nonferrous metals are a significant component of the raw materials industry. This term includes metals like aluminium, copper, magnesium, lead, nickel, tin, titanium, zinc and their alloys. HERZOG shows application options and offers machines that are perfectly suited for sample preparations of nonferrous metals.
Automation for powder sample preparation (example)
Automation for solid sample preparation (example)
Aluminium bath samples
Aluminum metal is produced from alumina by electrolytic reduction. Using the Hall- Héroult process, alumina is decomposed in a cryolite electrolyte at about 1230 K. The conditions of the electrolytic cell has to be monitored carefully as slight changes in composition lead to significant alterations of the whole process. The addition of calcium fluoride and aluminum fluoride decreases solubility of alumina while lowering the melting point. Too low alumina concentrations my cause the so-called anode effect resulting in very high resistance to the flow of current at the anode surface. Too high alumina concentrations may lead to sludge formation. Lithium fluoride and sodium are affecting the efficiency by altering the conductivity of the bath.
Bath concentrations have to be determined at regular intervals of two or three days. As hundreds or thousands of electrolytic cells are located in the production plant, there is a significant bath sample load in the QC laboratory. XRF and XRD instruments are used for elemental and phase analysis.
Sample preparation for XRF and XRD analysis includes crushing of the congealed samples. A metal detector automatically screens for pure metal pieces interfering with subsequent sample processing. After grinding and pelletizing, the sample is transported to the analyzers. Next to aluminum bath samples, also oxides and coal are analyzed for process control.
High reproducibility and standardization of all sample preparation steps are key preconditions for a reliable quantitative analysis results. Furthermore, cross-contamination between bath samples and other sample types like, e.g., oxides and anode coal has to be avoided. This requires special cleaning procedures like e.g., automatic machine flushing with special granulate. HERZOG is offering sample preparation solutions that meet the high demand of aluminum production.
Solid aluminium samples
In the Hall- Héroult process, the oxygen is separated from the alumina and combine with carbon from the carbon anode. The remaining molten aluminum accumulates at the bottom of the pot and is siphoned out.
From the holding furnace, the molten aluminum is cast into an ingot. At that point, solid metallic samples are taken for optical emission spectroscopy. Sample shapes used for quality control vary from laboratory to laboratory. Some of the sample shapes have to undergo sawing before milling. The HN-FF or HN-SF can operate most of the sample shapes without major adaptation of the machine or sample handling.
In the Hall- Héroult process, the oxygen is separated from the alumina and combine with carbon from the carbon anode. The remaining molten aluminum accumulates at the bottom of the pot and is siphoned out. From the holding furnace, the molten aluminum is cast into an ingot. At that point, solid metallic samples are taken for optical emission spectroscopy. Sample shapes used for quality control vary from laboratory to laboratory. Some of the sample shapes have to undergo sawing before milling. The HN-FF or HN-SF can operate most of the sample shapes without major adaptation of the machine or sample handling.
During the mining process, copper from sulfide ores is usually extracted through smelting or hydrometallurgic processes. The ore is crushed, ground into powder and subsequently enriched by means of froth flotation. The resulting concentrates are roasted in air between 500°C and 700°C to remove sulphur and dry the material. Afterwards the calcine melts together with flux to form a matte, a mixture of liquid copper and iron sulphide. Air is blown into the liquid matte to form blister copper which is cast into anodes for electrolysis. During subsequent electrolytic refining, the copper is purified to 99.99% by electrolysis. Oxide ore are usually leached out by sulfuric acid. The copper is stripped out through solvent extraction and electrowinning (SX/EW). Sulfide ores usually have a higher copper grade compared to oxide ores.During the recycling process, copper scrap is smelted in primary and secondary smelters. For oxide scrap material, addition of carbon, iron and fluxes lead to reducing conditions.
Depending on the quality of the scrap, electrorefining is necessary. In primary smelters, copper scrap is largely applied as a coolant in ore-based copper production. In the matte-converting process, impure scrap is used for the slag-making stage whereas pure copper is used for the copper-making stage. Cooper scrap can be smelted in a number of different furnaces including blast furnaces, reverberatory, rotary, bath smelting or electrical furnaces.
In addition, electronic scrap (WEEE) enters the copper recycling process. The copper content in electronic scrap may vary between 3 and 27%. The electronic scrap is usually smelted under reducing conditions resulting in so-called black copper, which is further processed under oxidizing atmosphere to remove impurities.
The major challenge for sample preparation in the copper mining and recycling industry is the wide range of element concentrations and varying material properties of the various QC samples. One important focus of sample preparation is therefore to avoid cross-contamination between subsequent samples.
Samples originating during the copper production process include geological samples, leach feeds/ residues, concentrates, slags, matte, anodes, cathodes, ashes, environmental samples, and many more. Quality control involves many different and complex analyzing methods including XRF, quantitative XRD, ICP, OES, AA, combustion analysis, fire assay, and other more. HERZOG equipment covers all relevant preparation steps including moisture determination, filtration and drying, crushing, pulverizing, pelletizing, fusion, screening, blending/splitting, and bagging.
Nowadays, 80% of lead is used in lead-acid batteries. At the same time, recycling rates of lead are between 56% and 73%, which is one of the highest rates of all materials in common use today. Primary lead is produced from ore containing galena (PbS). The ores are concentrated, fine-ground and subsequently undergo a process called “sintering” which includes oxidation of the galena and fusion to larger lumps. Afterwards, sintered lumps and coke are loaded into a blast furnace where lead bullions are produced. Especially primary bullions need further metallurgical and electrometallurgical refining including decopperisation, oxidation of Sn, Sb and As, precious metal refining, and Bi removal.
During the last four decades, the direct smelting process is getting more significance. Here, the concentrates together with fluxes and oxygens are directly charged into the reactor without the need of previous sintering.
The direct smelting process has significantly facilitated the production of secondary lead from, e.g., lead batteries. There are four reactor types used for smelting of battery paste, metal and concentrates: The Queneau-Schumann-Lurgi (QSL) furnace, the Chinese Shui Kou Shan (SKS) oxygen bottom blowing process, the top submerged lance (TSL) smelting, and the Kivcet process. In addition, specialized secondary smelting technologies are available, in particular the continuous shaft furnaces (Varta process) for whole batteries and short rotary furnaces operated as a batch process. Refining of secondary bullions is usually less complex involving removal of copper, tin and antimony as the main impurities.
There is a variety of samples used for the quality control of the production process. These include lead, lead alloys, lead ash, lead dust, lead sulfates, slag, sludge, and many more. Sample preparation of these raw materials encloses sampling, drying, moisture determination, grain sizing, splitting, and pulverizing. Potential health hazards of some of these substances support the trend towards automation of these processes. Lead is a very soft metal having a tendency to stick on surfaces. Therefore, thorough cleaning processes may be necessary to avoid contamination of subsequent samples.
Solid lead samples obtained in the smelting and refining process are usually milled using special non-ferrous milling machines. The sample is analyzed be optical emission spectroscopy. Potential residues in the sample preparation machine and the spark stand may require specific cleaning mechanisms.
Magnesium is produced using the silicothermic Pidgeon process, the Dow process, or the solid oxide membrane technology. Magnesium is a frequently used structural metal, taking third place behind iron and aluminum. Lightweight structural magnesium alloys are used in critical aerospace, automotive and military applications, including jet engine transmissions, generator housings, power-takeoff systems and other type of equipment running at high temperatures.
Magnesium and magnesium alloys are explosive and highly flammable. Therefore, sample preparation requires special precaution measures. Using the milling machines HN-FF, we offer special configuration of the milling chamber for complete chip removal without residues.
Sample preparation steps
The primary and secondary production of nonferrous metals requires highly accurate analysis of the chemical composition of the metal, its raw materials and intermediate products. In modern industrial production processes, analytical measures for quality control are x-ray fluorescence, x-ray diffraction and optical emission spectroscopy. The accuracy and reproducibility of these analytical procedures depend from perfect sample preparation. HERZOG provides the optimal equipment and procedures for preparation of solid and powder samples without contamination and material loss.